主演:施坦·马洛萨 阿贾耶·德乌干 诺拉·法泰希 吉滕德拉·库马尔 Rushali Jadhav Arnob Khan Akib 马谢什·巴拉吉 Vishal Bhavsar Pratik Dixit 苏米特·古拉蒂 桑贾伊·古巴萨尼 Sammy Jonas Heaney 罗菲克·汗 Sharik Khan Kiara Khanna
关键词:人死后的世界是什么样?你将经历七重审判!#与神同行 人死 七重 Anegoisticrealestatebrokerinhugedebts meetswithanaccident.Godappearsinfrontofhimandinformshimthathewillhavetoplaya& GAMEOFLIFE& .Ifhewin
An egoistic real estate broker in huge debts, meets with an accident.God appears in front of him and informs him that he will have to play a "GAME OF LIFE". If he win, he will be sent back to earth and if not, he will be sent to hell.